2025 National Awards
The National Executive Board (NEB) is proud to announce the Alpha Psi Lambda National Awards held in conjunction with the National House of Delegates.
These awards are an opportunity for our Familia to recognize those individuals and chapters within our community who have successfully exemplified high standards of leadership, service, scholarship and unity. Member/Chapter/Alumni Clubs will be recognized for outstanding achievement in each of the following categories:
Individual Awards
Chapter Awards
Alumni Club Award
Awards Selected by the National Executive Board
The National Executive Board will also recognize the following:
Award recipients will be announced during the National House of Delegates weekend.
All completed nomination forms are due Friday, May 30, 2025 CST and must be submitted through the GreekTrack National Awards Submission Form.
Thank you for your interest in submitting nominations recognizing the accomplishments of our membership. With your help, we will celebrate our Familia who exemplify the ideals of the Greek community!
Any member in good standing is eligible to apply for an individual award. Any recognized active chapter/alumni club is eligible to apply for a chapter/alumni club award. The Awards Selection Committee will consider only those nominations submitted by a collegiate or alumni member in good standing. All nominees may be subject to eligibility verification by the Awards Selection Committee.
Nominations should be based on achievements between August 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025 (academic year).
Guidelines For Submission
For any questions concerning the awards, individuals can contact the National Office at nationaloffice@alphapsilambda.net
Award Nomination Submission Forms
Award Descriptions and Eligiblity Criteria
Individual Awards
Collegiate Excellence - Collegiate
In recognition of a collegiate member who has demonstrated excellence in the following areas:
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All Collegiate members who are members in good standing.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
If the nominee is not a current active member, an unofficial transcript must be submitted to the National Office to qualify to verify GPA.
Outstanding Campus Leadership - Collegiate
In recognition of an collegiate who has demonstrated their commitment to their organization, University Campus and the Greek Community through their service in leadership positions in their chapter, campus and/or the Greek Community as a whole.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All collegiates who have served or currently serve in a leadership position in their respective chapter, campus or the Greek Community at large.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume, letter of recommendation or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
New Member Excellence - Collegiate
In recognition of a New Member (in their first full year of membership) who demonstrated active participation, took on leadership roles and exhibited a positive impact on the chapter and overall Fraternity.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All new members in good standing who crossed Spring 2023 or Fall 2023.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume, letter of recommendation or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Philanthropist of the Year – Collegiate
In recognition of a collegiate who has successfully integrated philanthropy as part of their everyday life through continual contribution and participation to philanthropic events.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All Collegiate members who are members in good standing.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Chapter President of the Year - Collegiate
In recognition of a Chapter President who has demonstrated excellence in leading his/her chapter, promoted the purposes and mission of Alpha Psi Lambda to the membership, maintained and organized an effective chapter and who has led with integrity.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Collegiates who served as Chapter President for the academic year
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Alumni Involvement - Alumni
In recognition of an alumnus/alumnae who has demonstrated their commitment to their chapter and/or the Fraternity as a whole by participating in events, donations of funds, and/or contributing through leadership positions, etc.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All alumni in good standing.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Rising Professional – Alumni
In recognition of aspiring professionals or entrepreneurs who embody the standards of Alpha Psi Lambda/Greek Community through their professional accomplishments and community involvement. Applicants should have graduated no more than five years ago (graduated 2019 to 2024).
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All alumni members in good standing. Must have graduated within last five years.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Professional Excellence – Alumni
In recognition of established professionals or entrepreneurs who embody the standards of the Greek Community through their professional accomplishments and community involvement. Applicants should have graduated a minimum of five years ago (graduated before 2019)
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All members in good standing. Must have a minimum of five years post graduation experience.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Philanthropist of the Year – Alumni
In recognition of an Alumni who has successfully integrated philanthropy as part of their everyday life through continual contribution and participation to philanthropic events.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All alumni in good standing
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Outstanding Chapter Advisor (Faculty/Professor/Chapter Director) - Alumni/Professionals
In recognition of individuals (members or non-members) who serve in the role as Faculty Advisor, Chapter Advisor and/or Chapter Director for an Alpha Psi Lambda chapter or affiliate chapter. These individuals may be employed by the University or volunteer through Alpha Psi Lambda. This award must be submitted by the chapter or affiliate chapter who wish to nominate the individuals for their outstanding contributions and support to their chapter.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: Individuals serving in the role as Faculty/Chapter Advisor employed by
the University or as Chapter Director as a volunteer for Alpha Psi Lambda
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: List and briefly describe the candidate’s accomplishment
in the areas listed above. You may include a personal resume or letter addressing the topics. Also, you may briefly describe any information not included above or extenuating circumstances you wish the Awards Selection Committee to consider when evaluating this candidate.
Chapter Awards
Philanthropic Excellence
In recognition of an Active Collegiate Chapter which has successfully integrated philanthropy as part of their annual programming and events.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All active collegiate chapters currently recognized by Alpha Psi Lambda.
NOMINATIONS MUST INCLUDE: Please describe your chapter’s accomplishments in Philanthropic Excellence. Be sure to list and describe your community service and/or educational events conducted during appropriate academic year. You may also attach supporting documentation. If possible, please detail the scope of the event; i.e. how many chapters/individuals participated and how many participants were involved. Please address how these activities made an impact on your surrounding community.
Chapter of the Year
In recognition of an Active Collegiate Chapter who has demonstrated excellence in the following areas (all must be covered in application):
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All active collegiate chapters currently recognized by Alpha Psi Lambda.
NOMINATION MUST INCLUDE: Describe the chapter’s accomplishments in the areas listed above. You may include a chapter resume or letter addressing the topics.
Alumni Club Award
Alumni Club of the Year
In recognition of a recognized Alumni Club who has demonstrated excellence in the following areas (all must be covered in application):
WHO IS ELIGIBLE: All Alumni Clubs currently recognized by the Fraternity. Photos may accompany organizational award nominations.
NOMINATION MUST INCLUDE: Describe the chapter’s accomplishments in the areas listed above. You may include a chapter resume or letter addressing the topics.