Benefits of Membership
Greek Life offers the chance to build leadership skills, help others and more.
Joining a Greek organization offers many benefits for individuals that choose to step up to the challenge and become involved. These include:
The primary purpose of Greek organizations is to encourage and develop academic achievements among its members. Studies have shown that nationally over 70% of students involved in Greek organizations graduate, while only 50% of non-Greeks graduate. Fraternities and sororities foster an environment that encourages academic success while providing a support network.
There are a variety of opportunities to develop leadership skills as a member of a Greek organization, such as:
Experiences from Greek organization benefit you while at the university and beyond graduation by learning important skills such as motivating others, public speaking, running effective meetings, and more. Alpha Psi Lambda also offers a ‘real world’ experience by having the chance to work with both men and women.
Volunteer experience is a great asset to a resume, and is an enjoyable way to give back to your campus and community while learning about yourself. Greek organizations offer you an outlet to contribute through hands on community service and philanthropic events.
Brotherhood and sisterhood is the foundation of Greek organizations. Alpha Psi Lambda is unique in that aspect, by providing both to form a Familia. By becoming a member of a Greek organization, you will develop life long friendships and have a support group that keeps you going through the tough times, while sharing in the joys of your successes.
Alpha Psi Lambda is a Latino interest organization. Through our organization, our members can learn about the diverse groups that make up the Latino culture. Our members can then share that knowledge with the surrounding campus and community via cultural events, speakers, and workshops. Although we are geared toward Latino cultures, we do have a diverse Familia with members from different ethnic groups that work together on our goals and purposes.
With chapters and members located throughout the United States there are opportunities to travel to other universities and cities to meet members, share experiences and have fun. Although you may not know every member in the fraternity, the bond that makes us a fraternity means that stopping over at a member’s house or meeting at a chapter are like coming home to family.
With a large alumni population in areas throughout the United States, Alpha Psi Lambda offers a chance to network with people working in a variety of fields. It’s a great place to start looking for a job upon graduation or discuss career paths.